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Health Education and Community Outreach

The first of our Health Education & Community Outreach programs began in June 2018, when student Doctors from University of Wollongong,  decided to join us and run our 12 day program. Together with facilitator, Gail Brinkerhoff (Registered Nurse, Research Co-ordinator and University Nursing Teacher), the group packed up their backpacks full of supplies and began community education.


Teaching began with an early morning education session for the men of 12 villages as they discussed men's health, hygiene, alcohol and drug awareness. The women's group were next and the room was packed. Again they covered topics such as general health issues, hygiene, nutrition and fertility issues  

During this same week, the school children participated in group lessons, where they sang songs, and took part in a hands-on demonstration on how to clean wounds and dress them. 

Hiking long distances, the group visited surrounding villages to help address health concerns in the community  .

Friday's were spent at Lenekel Hospital (the only hospital on the island of Tanna) and the group were welcomed to observe, assist and participate in the hospital duties for the day. The hospital based TB and HIV Health Officer invited them to join him on his regular visits to various villages.


Our Health Education program will run each year and we look forward to making  a difference in the lives of these beautiful people. 

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