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Community Garden

Community Garden

Growing food in Tanna is very difficult. High winds, Volcanic ash and acid rain are only a few of the problems. Our community garden was established to help the local villages find other ways and solutions to these issues. Our garden grows food for distribution to the Elderly and Widows Program. There is a distribution registry that records and monitors who receives the plants and food, then we continue to provide support as they attempt to grow food in their own garden. If you have a green thumb please get in touch with us as there is sooooo much work to be done and we could certainly appreciate some helping hands. 
The Department of Agriculture of Vanuatu worked with us to compile the soil sampling pots for testing. These were then bought back to Australia for testing. A comprehensive report was requested and this will tell us exactly the composition of the soil so that we can determine some of the issues relating to plant growth and compost enhancement. 

Volcanic Ash shower caught by afternoon sun

Volcanic Ash shower caught by afternoon sun

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most of the corn grows like this
corn growing very well..until...!!!
onion growing well
it poured
growing nicely
WhatsApp Image 2017-11-02 at 6.41.55 PM
Acid rain wipes out the corn
acid rain batters the sweet potato
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